Friday, September 13, 2013

Post 2: Isn't it Ironic?

Sometimes funny, sad, or mostly misinterpreted, irony is around us every day. In the poem "Barbie Doll", the irony is heavy and laid on thick by Marge Piercy. She conveys an often portrayed message of being who you are, but in a very different way. Piercy uses irony throughout the poem to make her point. An example of this Irony when Piercy says in lines 5 and 6, "Then in the magic of puberty, a classmate said:/You have a great big nose and fat legs" (Piercy). Magic, a word that normally has a positive connotation has suddenly taken a dark turn for the worse. Piercy uses the word magic to signify childishness and and innocence, but it has been completely turned around in this situation. A great example of verbal irony is in the last line of the poem, "To every woman a happy ending." In this short line Piercy is able to say a lot to gather up the poem. the girl in this poem has all of the characteristics, except one, of a girl who would have a fairytale happy ending, but instead she took the beauty that she had within and traded it for a twisted kind of acceptance into society.


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